sobota, 9 lutego 2019

Photo-Competition 2018 - Awards Gala


Awards Gala from 2018 Photo-Competition was another joyous even if slightly self-centered celebration. It happened in Polish Syrena Club in Edmonton and was attended by approximately 25 club members. Awards were given in 10 Categories plus Award for the Best Comment and Grand Prix Award for the Best Photo of the Year 2018.

In Category A – „Ludzie i góry” – Piotr Rajski Award – “People and the mountains” the award went to Yanek Wojcik

for his picture: "Spiderman, Spiderman! or Dancing on the slabs" ...

... picturing fearless Roman Lipiecki "dancing" on the slabs of Tower, in Kananaskis.

Yanek received also the prize in the Category B – „Górskie krajobrazy” – Roman Lipiecki Award – “Mountain landscapes” ...

... for his picture: "Lake O'Hara in its beauty."

One can never go wrong photographing Lake O'Hara.

In the Category C – „Humor górski” – Michał Trzecieski Award – “Mountain humor” the award went to Roman Lipiecki ...

... for his photo: "Mountain Yoga" ...

... showing a group of club members outstretching on the slopes of Roche Miette (Jasper NP). 

Yanek was successful in yet another Category D – „Uśmiech w górach” – Michał Kańtoch Award – “Smile in the mountains.” 

As the founder of the award had to work, the award was handed over by his partner, lovely Barbara. At that point, we witnessed the first act of "obłapiactwo" (hugging). No doubt that it can only be explained by Yanek getting "soda water to his head" as a result of yet another success! The winning photo was entitled: "This is more than what I asked for" ...

... showing somewhat uncertain (of herself) smile of Ludmila on the ugly scree of Tower (Kananaskis). 

In Category E – “Górskie archiwalia” – Yanek Wójcik Award – “Mountain archives” - the first place went to Michał Kańtoch's  photo: "Young buck at the summit."

Award (an album with the collection of photos from the competition) was this time "received" by Znakomita Barbara:

In Category F – „Górski selfik” – Dorota Kratochwil-Otto Award – “Mountain Selfie” - I got lucky and won for the photo "Unselfish Friendship of Men" (Bezkarystnaja drużba mużskaja):

It finally paid for me to carry this long "selfie-stick." I received the award from Dorota, who rushed for the Gala from ... Mexico!

Category G – „(Piękna) Kobieta na tle gór” – Marek Kucmierz Award – “(Pretty) Woman in the mountains”- witnessed another success by Yanek. The category was won by his photo: "It was worth it!" showing charming Brynn Murphy against the background of Lake O'Hara:

Traditionally, in this "Oscar" category, the award is given not to the photographer but to the Model:

Lucky Marek! 

Then came the award in another "Oscar" Category: H – “(Sexy) Mężczyzna na tle gór” – Bożena Maciaszczyk Award – “(Sexy) Man in the mountains.” First place in this category went to the "vintage dude, the man, the myth, the legend" - Wiesiek Piprek. 

In his stead the award was picked up by the author of the picture, "legendary" Zenka Kawecka:

This was the only example of "woman on woman" action.

In the next category I – „Górskie dziwolągi” – Staszek Smuga-Otto Award – “Mountain wonders” - the most successful was another picture by Michał Kańtoch, called "Pterodactilus."

Again, in his stead, the award was picked up by Barbara:

For his effort Michal received "100 years old" tequila. As you may see, Staszek, driving straight from Mexico, and arriving in Edmonton only three hours earlier, didn't even had a chance to shave. 

Finally, in the 10th category M – „Mikro-świat i jego rola w górach” – Henryk Dąbrowski Award – “Micro-world and its role in the mountains” - diploma went to Marek Kucmierz ...

... for his picture: "It's all mine!"

Unfortunately, because the founder of the award is presently in Poland, Marek went home "o suchym pysku" (with his mouth dry). Hopefully, the founder of the award will find a way to compensate him at some later date. 

The award for the best comment - Ania Kupnicka Award - went to Jacek Maciaszczyk for his comment to the photo "Lake O'Hara in its beauty." Jacek wrote: "Piękna panorama, dobry kadr oddający piękno gór i zachęcający widza do kontemplowania się widokiem. Dwie osoby na szlaku potęgują skale i perspektywę majestatu gór. Czuć radosna atmosfera zdjęcia upamiętniającego szczęśliwe chwile na górskich szlakach. Klasyczne zdjęcie dla klubu górskiego... ."

In a sense it was lucky (for me) that he didn't have a chance to pick up the award himself as he was replaced by his lovely wife, Bożena. 

Finally, Grand Prix Prezesa, for the Best Picture of 2018, went to ... Yanek Wójcik (!!!) for his photo:

"Spiderman, Spderman! or dancing on the slabs." 

Yanek almost fell on his face under the heaviness of the gift card for $50 to Mountain CO-OP. 

It was truly Yanek's Year!

Congratulations to all the winners! Keep going to the mountains and keep taking pictures! 2019 Photo-Competition is not far away! 


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