środa, 20 września 2017

Castle Mountain or a Day in the Mountains.

16 September 2017

(Clicking on the photos allows to see them in almost original sizes.)

Castle Mountain (2766 m) is an impressive massif on the junction of Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 93, from British Columbia, in Banff National Park. This "cultish" mountain ("kultowa góra") was on the list of our goals for quite some time, but different factors, typically weather, prevented previous explorations.

This time, the Trip Leader, Roman Lipiecki, gathered an impressive team. We started at 7:00 am from the Castle Mountain Hostel, when it was still dark.

From the left to right these were: Witek Kurpiński, Michał Trzecieski, Ewa Stroemich, Marek Kucmierz, Piotr Rajski, Ken Wells (Ewa's boy-friend) and Gennady Sergiejev. (Missing Roman Lipiecki).

Our first objective was Rockbound Lake - 8.4 km, +760m altitude gain, in itself a worthy hike.

It was cold, so we were warming the trail with our breaths.

After 2.5 hours we reached Tower Lake, still in somewhat psychedelic morning light ...

... named after the impressive Eisenhower Tower, popular with local climbers.

Half an hour later, we were at Rockbound Lake. I took a few photos of Ewa, hoping to have a strong entry into the next Photo-Competition (Category "Sexy Woman in the Mountains"); however, I was too slow to catch her changing her "layers."

We rested a bit ...

... while admiring the beauty of the place. 

Shortly thereafter, it was time to push again. We had to conquer a very steep section ...

... to get above the "rockband."

Through some steep traverses ...

... and a bit of scrambling ...

... we got on to this impressive plateau, with the most interesting rock formations ...

... and a fantastic view of the lake below. Unfortunately, around that place ...

... catching something with my foot, I fell on my face. Luckily, I didn't injure myself; however, I experienced a very painful spasm in my left calf (Thank you, Witek, for straightening it up). With my right foot already aching, right "tennis elbow," burn to my left palm, I took this as an "omen," and decided to call it quits. From now on I stayed in contact with the group through a small radio. 

The Magnificent Seven pushed then toward the top, visible just right from Eisenhower Tower. As it can be seen they still had enormous distance to cover. 

After another 2 hours of action, perhaps about 500 m from the top, they encountered snow fields that only two people decided to tackle. It was already about 1:30 in the afternoon and the time was becoming a factor. 

The final attack was led, but of course, by Roman, the Trip Leader ...

... who after overcoming small technical difficulties ...

... brought the party to the top! (With his hunger for accomplishment, unquenchable enthusiasm and courage, Roman reminds me very much of Jerzy Kukuczka.) They reached the top of Castle Mountain at 2:05 pm. 

Roman put their names into the register, highlighting that the ascent was made to the glory of Polish Men and Women's Mountaineering Club of Edmonton. The question for me was who was the second member of the party? Roman, with whom I spoke over the radio, asked me to guess. To my great astonishment his partner happened to be ...

... Marek(!), whom I have never seen in action before. In this way, during his first trip with the Club, Marek joined the elite group of Club's Harpagons (Tough Guys)! Congratulations, Marek!

Getting down, in setting sun, increasing cold and wind, was not a small matter, as shown in the picture above. The plateau is a labyrinth of rocks. Covered by snow they demanded particular carefulness. Luckily, all the members of the group came to the hostel unharmed - most around 6:30 pm, while the conquerors after 8:00 pm, already in darkness. (One should likely do this trip earlier in the year). 

To our great relief there was no shortage of hot water in the hostel; there is nothing like a hot shower after a day like this and naturally ... a small schnapps! Thanks to Żubrówka Vodka, brought by Mikele, and exquisite Rioja wine, brought by Witek, we quickly raised the energy level, while "integrating beautifully" with the other party of 10, residing in the hostel. 

Socializing around this stove was the final pleasure. 

Again, great congratulations for Roman and Marek for the fine accomplishment! For the rest of us this was just another wonderful Day in the Mountains!


P.S. Thanks for Gennadij, Marek, Roman and Witek for the privilege of using their photos. 

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