poniedziałek, 10 lipca 2017

Kayaking on North Saskatchewan River

To give our legs a break, in favor of exercising the upper body, I invited a few friends to join me on North Saskatchewan River.

We started in Devon, where my son, Maciek, was kind to deliver me and my kayak.

Soon other kayakers arrived. Peter was brought by his lovely wife, Roma.

Piotr by his charming wife, Joanna (it's so good to be married).

While Jacek brought two kayaks for Bosnia and Mike.

Not wanting to lose such a precious cargo, he insisted that Bosnia puts on a "sexy" life jacket.

It was time to line up.

Ten minutes after eight, in fresh morning air, we were all on the river.

Peter soon spotted some interesting birds.

Mikele, though keeping the paddles upside down, had the good sense of taking gloves to prevent blisters.

All men were trying to paddle next to Bosnia!

Piotr, facing a shoulder operation, was taking it easy ...

... while Peter, bursting with energy, was cruising from one side of the river to the other ...

... if only to get a picture with birds.

After 3 hours of paddling, and crossing some rapids ...

... we reached Anthony Henday Bridge. It meant we were getting to Edmonton.

Some time later, Tervilliger Foot Bridge ...

... Fort Edmonton Foot Bridge, and finally, after 6 hours of paddling ...

... Quesnell Bridge, which was our destination. My watch informs me that we covered 33.8 km on the river, with the average speed of 5:26 for 500 meters, and 20 strokes per minute. We burnt roughly 1200 calories. The only mishap, of this otherwise lovely day, was that under the bridge ...

... Bosnia was harassed by some semi-naked dude!

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