Category N - "Full Movie Feature" - Boris Bokov Award
1st Place - "Hiking Tent Ridge Horseshoe Trail" - by Andy Rutkowski (25:14)
"Idź w góry, a otrzymasz ich dobrą nowinę. Pokój Natury popłynie do ciebie tak jak światło słońca płynie ku drzewom. Wiatry wwieją w ciebie swoją świeżość, a burze dadzą ci swoją energię, podczas gdy troski (tego świata) odpadną od ciebie jak jesienne liście." John Muir (1838-1914), szkocko-amerykański naturalista i propagator tworzenia parków narodowych, współzałożyciel organizacji ekologicznej Sierra Club.
Category N - "Full Movie Feature" - Boris Bokov Award
1st Place - "Hiking Tent Ridge Horseshoe Trail" - by Andy Rutkowski (25:14)
Category L - "Video with a Twist" - Beata and Andrzej Jędrych Award
1st Place - "The Raven of the Delicate Arch" - by Piotr Rajski
Category I - "The Monuments of Nature" - Barbara Walter Award
1st Place - "Two Thousand Years Old Twins" - by Basia Krzymień
Category H - "(Sexy) Man in the Mountains" - Bo Maciaszczyk Award
1st Place - "Saint Dragan" - featuring Dragan Radovic
Category G - "(Pretty) Woman in the Mountains" - Bogdan Kulik Award
1st Place (ex equo) - "Pretty on the top" - featuring Gosia Stróżyk
F – „Górski selfik” – Ela Tomczyk Award – “Mountain Selfie”
1st Place - "Selfie on Dunajec River" (Pieniny, Poland) - by Bożenna Pomorska
Congrats to Bożenna!
Category E – „Górskie archiwalia” – Yanek Wójcik Award – “Mountain archives”
1st Place - "Mount Wilcox 25 years ago" - by Andy Rutkowski
Congrats Andy!
Category C - "Humor górski" - Michał Trzecieski Award - "Mountain humor"
First of all, it impresses me that some of the ladies of our Club can not only jump but jump high! This must have something to do with their ferocious sexual appetites (or so I speculate). But of course, when seeing the truly masculine specimen of Dragan, it is only natural that the ladies jump ... high! (Piotr)
This photo
captures a joyful moment in the mountains on a bright, sunny day. A woman in
mid-air, jumping up on a patch of snow, her arms stretched high, casting
excitement and energy. The snow contrasts with the cloud-covered blue sky and
the peaks are peeking in a distance. Strong male partner stands poised, ready
to “rescue” her, with a playful grin on his face. This dynamic and vibrant
photo highlights their adventurous spirit and the cheerfulness of their
friendship, all against the magical mountain scenery. (Yanek)