Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Kilimanjaro, here we come!


Cerographs have been signed, money has changed hands. It starts looking serious! Kilimanjaro, beware, they are coming in September 2023. If you would still want to join these lovely and sharp ladies, contact the expedition coordinator - Mike. I understand they are going with Mike will have more details for you. 

All of this happened during the intermission of the "Going solo" performance in Citadele Theatre last Sunday, so well attended by many members of the Club. You know, we are "kulturnyj narod" (cultural people), and do "culture" from time to time. "Going solo" was an appealing title for us, mountaineers. However, the performance included a trio of fantastic young people ...

... with Christine being my personal favorite! We all had lots of fun! 

Still, we can't wait for the mountain season to start over! Until then, Piotr. 


  1. Counting the money was the best part, Ha!

  2. Gratuluję i życzę wytrwałości!!!
