niedziela, 13 lutego 2022

Winter Edmonton Mystery Art Walk

 Sunny Day Walk    

When the weather cooperates it is so easy to find the hidden gems offered by the Edmonton River Valley #YegRiVal and unknown (to me) artist Ruf

sobota, 12 lutego 2022

Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Alberta

The Best of 2021 Photo-Competition

Category M - "Górska flora i fauna" - Bożena and Jacek Wojno Award - "Mountain flora and fauna"

1st Place - "I won't give up!" - by Michał Kańtoch

czwartek, 10 lutego 2022

Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Alberta

The Best of 2021 Photo-Competition

Category L - "Video z przekrętem" - Beata and Andrzej Jędrych Award - "Video with a twist"

1st Place - "Asia the Sphinx" - by Urmila Das. 

wtorek, 8 lutego 2022

Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Alberta

The Best of 2021 Photo-Competition

Category J - "Pocztówka z wakacji - Zdumiej mnie!" - Jacek Maciaszczyk Award - "Postcard from vacation - Amaze me!"

1st Place - "Postcard from Morocco" - by Andy Rutkowski (featuring Holly Kostecka) 

poniedziałek, 7 lutego 2022

Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Alberta

The Best of 2021 Photo-Competition

Category H - "Sexy mężczyzna na tle gór" - Bo Maciaszczyk Award - "Sexy man in the mountains"

1st Place - "Fearlessness can be so sexy" - by Łukasz Różycki (featuring Roman Lipiecki)

niedziela, 6 lutego 2022


Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Alberta

The Best of 2021 Photo-Competition

Category G - "Piękna kobieta na tle gór" - Marek Kucmierz Award - "A beautiful woman in the mountains"

1st Place: "Joyous flying hair" by Andy Rutkowski. 

czwartek, 3 lutego 2022

Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Alberta

The Best of 2021 Photo-Competition

Category F - "Górski selfik" - Elżbieta Tomczyk Award - "Mountain selfie"

1st Place: "Guess who?" (Zgadnij kto?) by Anna Kulig. 

środa, 2 lutego 2022

Polish Men and Women Outdoor Club of Alberta

The Best of 2021 Photo-Competition

Category E - "Górskie archiwalia" - Yanek Wójcik Award - "Mountain archives"

1st Place - "Riding on Mount Wilcox" by Andy Rutkowski