czwartek, 30 maja 2024

Picasso Flats 2024 - Wheels and wishes

 27 May 2024

The tradition of Picasso Flats Bike Ride was restored this year. Postponed for one day because of poor weather, this very fine 18 km bike ride attracted nine participants. From the left: Wojtek, Marian, Elżbieta, Bo, Piotr (the organizer), Bogdan, Marek and Andy. Missing (taking picture): Jacek.

We started at my place, in spite of the ongoing "revitalization" project. 

A new person, at least for me, was Marek M!

Elżbieta was so happy that another "girl" attended the ride! Girl on girl, boy on boy action?

We hit a very nice, 21C temperature! Wojtek and Marian were quite pleased. 

We stopped twice at the majestic North Saskatchewan River to rehydrate and take pictures. 

After the second stop, before one of the "technical sections" of the trail, Elżbieta and Jacek took off, abandoning their spouses. 

Bo was quite concerned, while Bogdan was suggesting "immediate revenge." Luckily, "zguby"(the lost ones) were shortly found and the "revenge" was postponed until some other time. 

The pleasures of the ride are best illustrated by the excellent clip of Andy Rutkowski entitled "Wheels and wishes."

It can also serve as introduction to a (not quite) "surprise party."  Our bike group was more than doubled by all the members of the Club who came to celebrate my 70th birthday. 

When we arrived the "social" was well under way. 

Bike riders quickly caught up. Pity they ate all the desert before I was ready with the hamburgers. 

Barbara shocked everybody by drinking ... beer! She is known to be a Crown Royal girl! Which seems to illustrate that the Universe is in a constant flux, never ending process of change!

Maria brought some deserts ...

... while Dragan brought a 10-year old moonshine slivovitz to "buy out" Holly from amidst of us! After tasting it I forbid all the males of our Club to give Dragan "kocówa" (to beat him up). 

This includes, by association, also Boris!

In spite of being 70, Prezes demonstrated tremendous gravitational pull! 

The supper was followed by a traditional "fire purification." Sadly, this year, as in all previous years, not a single lady agreed to jump naked over the fire. I guess, we will have to work on them next year!!!

With Love and Support, Piotr. 

3 komentarze:

  1. Very nice evening, thank you Piotr for inviting us and for putting so much work into it!

  2. I cannot believe the picture perfect sky on the firtst photo!
